Parent & Me, Creative Movement, Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Hip Hop, Modern, Contemporary
We provides a pre-professional dance program outlets in classical,
contemporary ballet, jazz and modern works.

Director of Tap Program,
Director, CBD Youth Tap
Ensemble Company

Hip hop & Jazz Team

Hip hop & Jazz Team, Admin Supervisor…
A positive of Contemporary’s Youth Performing Companies is that they are all strong and individual companies. They do have some different performance opportunities based upon venue, but overall the focus is training and performance strengthening for each company. All dancers, no matter which company they are a member of, are encouraged to train in various techniques as it makes a stronger and more versatile dancer and performer. Learn more.

We’ve got a great selection of all your dance needs ranging from leoptards to fun merhcandise!

I have more questions, who should I ask?
Please read through our FAQ’s below and if you have more questions, please call us at 214-821-2066.
- Our Basics Beginner Series is for the totally beginner dancer, or for the dancer that is many years out of practice.
- For those dancers that we’re at an intermediate through advanced level prior to returning, we recommend attending the level below. If you are out of practice for years, then we recommend the beginner/ intermediate level to begin. Then you can choose when to move up based upon your comfort level.
- Still unsure, then Email to reach a representative that will help you find the right class for your level.
Contemporary offers youth classes for ages 18 months to 18 yrs starting with Parent & Me, Creative Movement, Ballet & Tap Combo, and then onto classes in Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Hip Hop, & Contemporary..Please see our class breakdown here.{Link to Levels & Techniques page and list below info as well as techniques info, which is not listed here yet}.
Ages 18 months – 2 years old: Parent & Me
Ages 2 – 3 years old: Creative Movement
Ages 3 – 4 years old: 3-4 Ballet/Tap Combo (students must be 3 years old by September 1st of the new school year to be in 3-4 Combo)
Add 4 – 5 years old Ballet and Tap combo class
Ages 5 – 6 years old: 5-6 Ballet/Tap Combo (students must be 5 years old by September 1st of the new school year to be in 5-6 Combo)
Ages 6 – 7 years old: Pre-Ballet 1 / Pre-Tap 1
Ballet 1: students who have completed 1-3 years of Ballet/Tap combo
Ballet 2: students who have completed Ballet 1
Ballet 3: students who have completed Ballet 2
Ballet 4&5: students who have completed Ballet 3
Hip Hop Minis: students ages 6-7 years old
Hip Hop 1: beginner level hip hop, typically for students ages 8-9 years old
Hip Hop 2: students who have completed HH 1
Hip Hop 3: students who have completed HH 2
Hip Hop 4&5: students who have completed HH 3
Tap 1&2: students who have completed 5-6 Combo or are beginner level tap
Tap 3: students who completed Tap 1&2
Tap 4: students who have completed Tap 3
Tap 5: students who have completed Tap 4
Tap 6: students who have completed Tap 5
Jazz 1&2: students ages 7-9 years old, must be taking ballet at least once per week
Jazz 3: students who have completed Jazz 1&2, must be taking ballet at least once per week
Jazz 4&5: students who have completed Jazz 3, must be taking ballet at least once per week
Contemporary 3/4: students who have taken 2-3 years of ballet and take ballet at least once per week
Contemporary 5/6: students who have completed Contemporary 3/4 and are taking ballet at least twice per week
Please call the Front Desk if you are unsure of the correct level for your dancer.
For children ages 18 months – 18 years old, we offer Parent & Me, Creative Movement, Ballet/Tap Combo, Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Hip Hop, and Contemporary
For adults, we offer Basic Beginner Series in Ballet, Modern, Tap and Hip Hop. We also offer Drop-In classes in Ballet, Pointe, Contemporary, Modern, Jazz, Jazz Funk, Hip Hop, Tap, Floor Barre.
For adult classes, create a Mindbody Account here. If you are professional rate or college rate, then you must purchase your classes at the front desk, however you can purchase multiple at a time. Please create an account to expedite sign-up in person.
To Register a child, follow this link to read about our tuition and policies, create an account and select classes. Registration forms must be completed prior to your child’s first class.
We offer Trial classes for students and a Trial class is $35 per class per child. Parents should call the front desk or email for level recommendation. Parents, please create an account, then fill out a trial form online, and list the class name, day and time for the trial class. Upon completion of Trial class, instructor will recommend the correct level.
See Dress Code Policy: View here.
We want our adult students to be comfortable, so we are more relaxed with the adult attire. You do need the appropriate shoes for the technique however. Leggings and a work out top, or a T-Shirt over that is not too baggy is appropriate. Leotard, tights and a ballet skirt are also suitable. Please wear a cover up to and from class- do not walk in and out in tights & leotard.
Adult: Login here
Parent Portal: Login here
Contemporary offers studio rentals to groups for rehearsal space, private lessons, auditions, events, workshops, and seminars, For more information, please visit our Studio Rentals page to fill out our questionnaire. For larger Audition Rentals, please reach out to
Fill out our Add/ Transfer form here.
Fill out our Drop form here, and we will process your drop within two business days.
To book a private lesson with one of our instructors, email us at explaining the style of dance you wish to take, what days/times of the week work, your dance background, the best phone number and email to contact you, and if you’re looking to work with a specific instructor. We will forward your email to faculty who fit your needs and they will contact you directly.
Every year, there is an end of year recital that usually takes place in May or the beginning of June. All students in classes 3-4 yrs Ballet & Tap Combo and up perform in the show. There are typically two shows. The younger dancers (3-4 combo – Ballet 1), perform in Show 1. Dancers in Ballet 2 – Company perform in Show 2 (this may vary from year to year). We also have a Holiday Show in December. Dancers in levels 1 and up can audition to be in the Holiday show, which includes excerpts from “The Nutcracker” as well as performances in Tap, Hip Hop, Jazz, Contemporary, and Ballet.
Class sizes vary depending on age, and are adjusted accordingly. Contemporary has appropriate class sizes for the various ages.